
my first ios application

Solana blockchain wallet tracking application

To be fair, this is not the very first one, but surely among those that I'd like to share with you :)
I have started it when I completed couple of tutorials and one of them was UI for Coingecko API. I have found one which I liked the most, since it is pretty hard to find pure SwiftUI tutorial yet (hope it is going to change soon). There I learned the basics of UI architecture in SwiftUI and a wonderful Swift API - Combine, which simplify everything by expanding "Publisher - Subscriber" pattern. Shoutout to SwiftUI Thinking, this guy is awesome!
Started from this UI, I have also thought of making it work by retrieving wallet data, related coin accounts and so on. Without diving deep into blockchain I can recommend the official Solana SDK for SwiftUI - here.
Furthermore, I needed to transfer keys I collected into user-friendly coins. Here exactly three different APIs went into the game. I needed to get account ids with Swift SDK - find them in Solscan API which gave me Coingecko id for each coin account - and then get valuable data by those ids in Coingecko API.

That was a bit hard and I am still sure there is a lot of things to improve, but I just wanted to make it done no matter what!
You can check the source code here. And I also described usage and specific parts of the application in readme.
Thank you for your time and bye bye :)