
Pomodoing: even code needs a break!

Developing Pomodoing: A VS Code Extension for Productivity

In the bustling world of software development, staying focused and productive is key. To help developers maintain a balance between intense work sessions and well-deserved breaks, I embarked on a journey to create Pomodoing, a Visual Studio Code extension based on the Pomodoro Technique.

Introducing Pomodoing

Pomodoing seamlessly integrates a Pomodoro Timer directly into your VS Code environment, ensuring you can manage your time effectively without leaving your favorite IDE. Whether you're deep in coding or taking a breather, Pomodoing keeps you in control.

Key Features

1. Start Timer: Initiate your Pomodoro session with a single click.
2. Pause Timer: Pause and resume your timer at any point, preserving your progress.
3. Configuration: Customize break durations, work times, and other settings to tailor Pomodoing to your workflow.


Getting started with Pomodoing is straightforward:
1. Open VS Code and navigate to the Extensions view.
2. Search for "Pomodoing" and click Install.
3. Reload VS Code to activate the extension.


Once installed, Pomodoing becomes your companion in productivity:
- Start/Resume: Use the command palette (`Ctrl+Shift+P`) and type "Pomodoing: Start/Resume" to begin your Pomodoro session.
- Timer Status: Monitor your current timer state directly in the VS Code status bar.

Additional Commands

Enhance your Pomodoro experience with these commands:
- Pause: Pause the current timer session.
- Reset: Reset the timer and start a new Pomodoro session.


- Work: The timer runs, signaling focused work time.
- Pause: The timer is paused, indicating break time.


To use Pomodoing, ensure you have:
- Visual Studio Code installed.

Extension Settings

Pomodoing offers extensive customization options:
- Duration Settings: Adjust Pomodoro, short break, and long break durations.
- Notification: Choose whether to receive notifications upon timer completion.
- Label Customization: Personalize labels for different timer states.

Known Limitations

While Pomodoing enhances productivity, it may require additional controls from the editor's top bar for smoother interaction.

Meta Information

- Publisher: Pulko
- Company Website:
- LinkedIn: Fedor Tkachenko
- Source Code Repository: GitHub - Pomodoing

With Pomodoing, developers can now harness the power of Pomodoro Technique directly within VS Code, optimizing productivity and fostering a balanced work rhythm. Whether you're coding through deadlines or taking essential breaks, Pomodoing is designed to support your workflow and elevate your coding experience.
Ready to boost your productivity? Install Pomodoing today and elevate your coding sessions with structured Pomodoro sessions directly in Visual Studio Code.